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Illinois Workers Are Protected From Employer Retaliation

Workers Compensation Lawyer in Chicago

All injured Illinois workers are entitled to benefits and legal protections under the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act. Workers’ compensation insurance is a trade off between employers and employees, and as part of that bargain, it is important that injured employees get access to the full extent of their workers’ compensation rights. One extremely valuable right…

Appealing A Workers’ Compensation Claim Denial

Workers Compensation Lawyer in Chicago

Anyone injured on the job deserves their full workers’ compensation benefits. Unfortunately, recovering workers’ compensation benefits can sometimes become a difficult task. All too often, workers’ compensation benefits are wrongly denied and an appeal becomes necessary. If you have been injured while on the job in Illinois, and your workers’ compensation benefits claim was denied,…

get started on your claim

let our injury lawyers focus on fighting the insurance company so that you can focus on getting better.